Chipping prunings in situ with Ritlee Hydraulic feed wood chipper
Our Ritlee 225 Hydraulic feed wood chipper is gaining market share very nicely.
This conscept of hydraulic feed in wood chippers has been used by Ritlee for some 12 years now with great succes.– Though not as popular yet as our gravity feed range, it has become a critical and integral part of our 225 Ritlee wood chipper mix.
With the simple and exceptionally useful speed control of the feed roller, 1,5cm chips down to wood shavings can be produced with the material being chipped using the speed control.– For example in the apple industry, farmers are wanting shavings of their apple prunings to be used for smoking purposes
Ritlee go that extra mile in the manufacture of their range!
Speed control for hydraulic feed roller (Controls size of chip!)
Throat and tray measurements! ( 1,350 meter to nip point of feed roller)
Chipper Drum with 2x blades used on all our 225 wood chippers!
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