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Posts by Ritlee

Black Wattle Grindings

Black Wattle as Bush Feed – A Must Read

Trials done by farmers in Eastern Cape on Black Wattle proved to be really beneficial, improving milk fats and protein...

6 Black Wattle

What Are The Benefits of Bush Feed Production?

Farmers testified that bush feed production reduces pressure on the lands and grazing. It also allows maintaining the herd size...

A60 Compost Turner

Composting – Commercial Scale composting

Ritlee are importers of the Eggersmann / Backhus range of compost turners manufactured in Germany. Then of course we market...

Slow speed shredder 6 cu

Slow speed shredders for recycling of plastics, tins wood etc

Ritlee are distributors for a selection of slow speed high torque shredder sized from 1 ton to 3 ton to...


Kiln for the Production of Charcoal / Biochar

Kiln for the Production of Charcoal / Biochar 3 cu meter loading capacity kiln with hand fed fire chamber 210...

Compost tea extractor

Compost Tea Extractor

Compost Tea Extractor - 200, 1000 and 2500 Litre The Compost Tea Extractors works on a Cyclone Air Lift System...

Petrol engine TRF300 with 5,5hp Briggs producing 50 to 1400 kg/hour Max diameter when chipping 20mm

TRF Hammermill Wood Chipper from Ritlee

The TRF Hammermill chipper is available in either Petrol or Electric drive. Each Hammermill chipper is supplied with 1x Blank...

225 Tractor Mounted Wood Chipper with 90 Degree Turn

Row Chipping Wood chipper Gravity feed with 90 deg turn for Chipping citrus, Nut (Orchard) prunings

Mac and Citrus farmers asked for chipper to use when pruning and thinning out which will chip the pruning then...

Eco Biz Zambia Compost Rows Maturing

Composting FAQ

What is Aerobic Compost? Aerobic compost is decomposition of organic matter using microorganisms that require oxygen. The microbes responsible for composting are...

Our TM3 Turner releasing CO2 and high tempretures and replacing with fresh air and water

What Are The Benefits of Aerobic Composting

The benefits of aerobic composting are numerous. Aerobic composting is the process of decomposing organic materials using microorganisms that require...